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Dear Families,

Welcome to the Athens Elementary School Latchkey Program for the 2024-25 school year. Please familiarize yourself
with the information in this enrollment packet. The Latchkey Program is designed to provide a loving, caring environment
for your children after the school day is finished. Our latchkey teachers are Mrs. Minieva and Mrs. Lillian.

● Latchkey begins as soon as the school day ends and closes at 5:00pm. All latchkey students MUST be picked up
BY 5:00pm.
● For afternoon pickup after 3pm - please pick up your child at the gym entrance off Houston Street.
● Only people who are listed on your latchkey form for pickup are allowed to pick up your child.
● We are using the Remind App to communicate with our latchkey program. Please follow the instructions below
to sign up for the Remind App. You may message the teachers directly through this App.
● If Latchkey moves to the playground after school, there will be a sign on the pick-up door.
● All latchkey payments will be paid through our school website. If you need to change your latchkey enrollment
days, please contact Mrs. Tedford. As a reminder: you are charged regardless of whether your child attends or
not as explained in the attached latchkey agreement.
You can sign up for Remind through text:

Latchkey AES

Or visit this link to sign up:

Please return the application form as soon as possible. We have limited openings, so it will be on a first come, first serve

Thank you for your interest in our after school program. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We
welcome your comments and look forward to working with your child and family in the upcoming year. If you have
questions or concerns about latchkey, please contact Mrs. Tedford at 256-233-6609 or

Amanda Tedford,

AES Latchkey Application